It's Not You Quiz

Ah Dee represents Depression,

like a cloud constantly hovering over us, whether we’re aware of it or not. They carry a weight of sadness that seeps into everything, dampening the spirits of those nearby. Ah Dee’s tears, from light drizzles to heavy rainstorms, reflect emotional fluctuations—small episodes or turbulent struggles. Their presence drains energy, making even simple tasks feel overwhelming, as if the rain has soaked into your bones.



What exactly is Depression?

According to DSM-5 Diagnostic Criteria of Depression, Depression is:

Five or more of the following A Criteria (at least one includes A1 or A2)

  •  Depressed mood—indicated by subjective report or observation by others (in children and adolescents, can be irritable mood).
  •  Loss of interest or pleasure in almost all activities—indicated by subjective report or observation by others.
  •  Significant (more than 5 per cent in a month) unintentional weight loss/gain or decrease/increase in appetite (in children, failure to make expected weight gains).
  •  Sleep disturbance (insomnia or hypersomnia).
  •  Psychomotor changes (agitation or retardation) are severe enough to be observable by others.
  •  Tiredness, fatigue, low energy, or decreased efficiency with which routine tasks are completed.
  •  A sense of worthlessness or excessive, inappropriate, or delusional guilt (not merely self-reproach or guilt about being sick).
  •  Impaired ability to think, concentrate, or make decisions—indicated by subjective report or observation by others.
  •  Recurrent thoughts of death (not just fear of dying), suicidal ideation, or suicide attempts.

The symptoms cause clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning.

The symptoms are not due to the direct physiological effects of a substance (e.g., drug abuse, a prescribed medication’s side effects) or a medical condition (e.g., hypothyroidism).

The symptoms do not meet the criteria for a mixed episode.

There has never been a manic episode or hypomanic episode.

MDE is not better explained by schizophrenia spectrum or other psychotic disorders.

The symptoms are not better accounted for by bereavement (i.e., after the loss of a loved one, the symptoms persist for longer than 2 months or are characterised by marked functional impairment, morbid preoccupation with worthlessness, suicidal ideation, psychotic symptoms, or psychomotor retardation).

This questionnaire is by no means a diagnostic tool for Depression. Instead, this is a set of questions that help you understand your coping styles should you have any signs of low moods and depressive symptoms.

1 / 7

You have many projects at hand and are feeling extremely unmotivated and burnt out. What would you do?

2 / 7

You feel low and tired after a long day and you still have a mountain of laundry to do. You feel irritable and sad. What can you say to yourself?

3 / 7

It’s 3 AM and you haven’t slept a wink. You wake up more tired and are unsure how you will go about your day. How do you cope?

4 / 7

Your friends have invited you to your favourite activity but the idea of socialising seems exhausting. What is your next move?

5 / 7

While having difficulties completing a project, you feel worthless and no matter how hard you try, you feel that your contributions always fall short. How do you navigate this?

6 / 7

After being yelled at by your boss, you’re feeling devastated and your entire day feels ruined. The negative interaction has left you feeling disheartened and worthless. How do you manage these emotions?

7 / 7

This is the third failed driving test. You are overwhelmed by the repeated mistakes you made, and you feel there is no point in trying again. What do you do?

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